Goals and Vision

By investigating the epigenetics of cells in healthy and diseased states, we will:
1. Uncover the underlying causes of diseases
2. Develop new and effective ways to treat and diagnosis diseases
By investigating the epigenetics of cells in healthy and diseased states, we will:
1. Uncover the underlying causes of diseases
2. Develop new and effective ways to treat and diagnosis diseases
Epigenetics is the layer of control between DNA and RNA; between instructions and behavior
Abnormal epigenetics have been linked to:
Cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, Obesity, Heart Disease, Autism, and many others
Epigenetic targets are drug-able
Epigenetic breakthroughs are quietly creating a toolbox of powerful drugs to treat cancer… We conservatively estimate that oncology . . . alone will generate $10bn [a year] by 2025.
Quotation from: https://www.ft.com/content/b4488716-0d34-11e6-b41f-0beb7e589515
The International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) is a global consortium aiming to map the complete human epigenome.
The epigenome reference maps will have a significant impact on the basic and applied research of many diseases, and will hopefully lead to the discovery of new insights and ways for treating them.