July 25 and 26 (10:00am-5:00pm)
EpiHK-CSI NUS-SBS NTU Joint Virtual Symposium
EpiHK, the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore (NUS), and The School of Biological Science (NTU) hosted a Joint Virtual Symposium on July 25th and 26th (10am-5pm) via Zoom.
Titled “Epigenomics and RNA in Human Health and Disease”, this meeting had an exciting mix of presentations from international speakers, as well as PIs and trainees from both Hong Kong and Singapore. Prof Wei Xie (Tsinghua University) and Prof Chia-Lin Wei (The Jackson Laboratory) served as the plenary speakers.
Thanks to all who joined us!
December 14 (9:00am-1:30pm), December 15 (1:30pm-5:30pm)
EpiHK Winter 2021 Virtual Symposium
EpiHK hosted a virtual symposium on December 14 (9:00am-1:30pm) and December 15 (1:30pm-5:30pm) via Zoom.
There was an exciting mix of presentations from international speakers, EpiHK PIs, and local trainees. In addition to scientific talks, we had also invited Dr Michael Pazin, a program director from NHGRI, and Dr Poonam Bheda, a senior editor from Nature Communications, to share their experiences and journeys regarding scientific careers outside of the lab.
December 16-19th, 2019
Epigenomics Workshop
EpiHK invited Dr. David Gorkin from UCSD to present a 4-day epigenomics workshop at HKUST on Dec 16-19, 2019.
Workshop topic was:
Navigating with epigenome maps: Profiling the epigenome at high-throughput and at single-cell resolution.
November 17-20th, 2019
IHEC Annual Meeting and Science Days 2019 in Banff, Canada
IHEC 2019 was organized by the Canadian Epigenetics, Environment and Health Research Consortium (CEEHRC) Network on November 17-20, 2019, at the Rimrock Resort, Banff, AB, Canada.
EpiHK PI Danny Leung (HKUST) and trainees from his lab joined the meeting – presenting on behalf of EpiHK to provide consortium update during the IHEC internal meeting, and also contributing in the presentations on the Science Days.
August 26th, 2019
EpiHK 2019 Summer Symposium
The EpiHK welcomed approximately 100 researchers to the second EpiHK research symposium at the HKUST on Monday Aug 26th.
We were honoured to have Prof. Bing Ren (UCSD) to deliver a keynote presentation, followed by talks from our local EpiHK researchers on their recent R&D work in epigenomics.
August 4-9th, 2019
Gordon Research Conference
Genome Architecture in Cell Fate and Disease
The Eukaryotic Genome in 4 Dimensions: Integrative Approaches to Bridging Genotype and Phenotype
From the program website:
The rules that dictate spatial and temporal organization of genomes are rapidly being elucidated through advances in the molecular manipulation of genomes, methods to measure proximity and dynamics in the cell nucleus, single cell measurements, microscopic imaging, biophysical principles and computational modeling. This hierarchical organization can be viewed at many scales, all of which are dynamically altered to regulate transcription, replication, genome integrity and the changes in epigenetic states that define different cell types. Increasingly, we find evidence for causal linkages between alterations in 3D genome organization and disease.
The 2019 conference on Genome Architecture in Cell Fate and Disease “The Eukaryotic Genome in 4 Dimensions: Integrative Approaches to Bridging Genotype and Phenotype” is the third meeting of its kind and will seek to promote interdisciplinary discussion of the most cutting edge principles in this field, including the latest technologies and concepts, relationships to chromosome function including development, disease, genome integrity and epigenetic inheritance.
February 20, 2019
EpiHK Spring 2019 Symposium
The EpiHK hosted the first EpiHK research symposium, provided a wonderful chance for researchers to showcase their epigenomics research, as well as an excellent outreach opportunity to the community.
We invited Prof. Joseph Ecker from Salk Institute for a keynote presentation, followed by a full day of exciting scientific talks by our principal investigators and also trainees.

November 7-9th, 2018
New Technologies and Translational Applications in Genomics
From the program website:
This focused program invited a mixed group of attendees consisting technologists, biologists, and clinical researchers, while most of the invited speakers were leading technologists. Single cell genomics and molecular diagnostics technologies were the key themes to be explored in this focused program.
The two main goals of this focused program were:
(1) to invite leading experts in the field to discuss the most recent developments of new technologies and translational applications in genomics;
(2) to promote education and information dissemination to the non-genomics academic community in order to facilitate cross-pollination of ideas and formation of interdisciplinary collaboration.
Co-organized by Prof. Angela Wu and Prof. Jiguang Wang (HKUST; EpiHK members) and Prof. Anderson Shum (HKU).

October 26-28th, 2018
IHEC Annual Meeting and Science Days 2018 in Hong Kong
- Hosted by EpiHK -
From 26 to 28 October 2018, epigenomics scientists and funding agency members from around the world got together in Hong Kong.
For the first time The Hong Kong Epigenomics Project (Hong Kong, China) had the pleasure to host the IHEC annual meeting at the Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
The three-day meeting began with the internal IHEC day, where members discussed the important issues regarding IHEC policies. Then it was followed by 2 days of scientific talks by top epigenomics researchers which offered intensive exchange of ideas and interactions opportunities among the talents of the field.
August 22nd, 2017
The 1st EpiHK Symposium

November 17th, 2016
Official release of the IHEC package of manuscripts published in Cell
The International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) presents 21 papers, in Cell and in Cell Press journals, that reveal DNA and histone modifications, nucleosome positioning, and chromatin architecture in primary human cells. These findings provide critical new insight into cell-type-specific biology, variation between individuals, and disease.

September 7th, 2016
EpiHK researchers presented at IHEC Meeting
Prof. Angela Wu, Prof. Danny Leung and Prof. Tom Cheung represented EpiHK at the annual IHEC meeting.

August 26th, 2016
Workshop: Visualizing epigenomics data
Prof. Ting Wang from Washington University offered a workshop on how to visualize epigenomics data at HKUST.

April 26th, 2016
EpiHK officially becomes a member of IHEC
IHEC welcomes the Hong Kong Epigenomics Project as new member to the consortium.
March 23rd, 2016
Official commencement of EpiHK
The official commencement of the Hong Kong Epigenomics Project (EpiHK).