IHEC 2019
IHEC 2019
Banff, Canada
The International Human Epigenome Consortium Annual Meeting and Science Days
Nov 17-20, 2019
This year, the IHEC Annual Meeting was organized by the Canadian Epigenetics, Environment and Health Research Consortium (CEEHRC) Network at the beautiful Rimrock Resort in Banff, Canada. The meeting was held along with the 6th Canadian Conference on Epigenetics, and it gathered a large group of epigenetics researchers from all over the world to share exciting scientific insights.

The program started with the IHEC internal meetings on the morning and afternoon of Sunday, Nov 17. This year, the IHEC Science Days were merged with the CEEHRC meeting and began on the evening of Nov 17 and continued onto Nov 18-20.
This year there were three keynote presentations:
- Dr. Bing Ren (University of California San Diego), topic: Epigenomics of Single Cells
- Dr. Ellen Rothenberg (Caltech), topic: Resistance and transformation in T-cell development: gene networks against epigenetic constraint
- Dr. John Stamatoyannopoulos (University of Washington), topic: Reading and programming the Epigenome
The Science Days presentations also included talks from 11 invited speakers and 12 abstract selected speakers, 10 rapid fire talks and 4 speakers from the industry focusing on epigenetic technologies.
EpiHK Consortium Update
EpiHK @ IHEC 2019 Science Days
Our EpiHK PI Danny Leung (HKUST) was one of the selected speakers and presented on topic: G9a regulates DNA methylation and chromatin looping in distinct mechanisms
Trainees from Danny’s lab also contributed on the Science Days:
- Lin Gao:
Poster and Rapid fire talk, presented on topic: Delineating the transcriptional regulatory roles of retrotransposons in Human placenta
(Awarded for the Best Rapid Fire Talk presentation) - Sabrina Tam:
Poster, presented on topic: Dysregulation of human endogenous retroviruses in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Heming Xu:
Poster, presented on topic: Delineating the role of endogenous retroviruses in melanoma cells